Generally speaking, quite a few Chinese–Japanese dictionaries published in Japan are based on Xiandai Hanyu Cidian (Modern Chinese Dictionary) authorized by Beijing. So the range of words included in specific dictionary entries is restricted to words used in mainland China: other variants are basically not included. In this article, I argue that the variants in other types of Standard Mandarin Chinese used outside of mainland China (for example Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore) should also be included in Chinese–Japanese dictionaries published in Japan. There are two reasons for this proposition. First, the Standard Chinese used in mainland China has gradually started to be subject to the influences of other types of Standard Chinese through increasing linguistic, sociocultural, economic contact. We thus find a clear increase in variants in entries in recent editions of Xiandai Hanyu Cidian (1996-). Second, researchers in mainland China have already started to pay more attention to variants of Standard Chinese outside of China, in their efforts to create a global standard Chinese dictionary through collaboration with researchers in other countries and parts of the world. We need to recognize these changes, just as we need to acknowledge that an increasing number of Japanese users of Chinese have the opportunity to have contact with non-mainland China variants. The logic of such internationalizing changes is that Chinese–Japanese dictionaries published in Japan also need to diversify their lexicographic information.
「大のサッカーファンであるあなたは、仲間と一緒に、”FIFA World Cup 2018 Russia”の決勝戦を観戦するためにモスクワを訪れることにしました。短い滞在期間ですが、せっかくなので食事はすべてロシア料理にすると決めました。ロシア料理のルールにのっとり、メニューを見ながら食べたい料理を店員さんに注文します。」
東京都出身。上智大学外国語学部英語学科卒業。浦和市立高校教諭を経て、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)修士課程、博士課程修了、Ph.D.(応用言語学)。大東文化大学外国語学部英語学科助教授、コーネル大学現代語学科助教授、同アジア研究学科准教授(tenured)、 ピッツバーグ大学言語学科教授などを経て、現在ケースウエスタンリザーブ大学現代語・文学科教授(Eirik Borve Professor of Modern Languages)。 国立国語研究所客員教授、上智大学国際言語情報研究所客員研究員。専攻は、応用言語学、言語習得論。著書に、『外国語学習に成功する人、しない人』(岩波科学ライブラリー、2004)、『外国語学習の科学』(岩波新書、2008)、『しゃべる英文法(コスモピア、 2009)』『英語はもっと科学的に学習しよう』(中経出版、2013)『ことばの力学』(岩波新書、2013)などがある。